Privacy Policy

Last Updated: December 30, 2022

We at MASSTORAGE LTD operate a mobile application for consumer-to-consumer marketplace (“Service”). We wrote this policy to help you understand what information we collect, how we use it, and what choices you have about it. This Privacy Policy explains the privacy practices used when you use our Service and interact with our ITEMS application, all as further described under our Terms of Service (the “Terms”). It also describes the rights and options available to you concerning your information.

We incorporated this Privacy Policy by reference to our Service's Terms, and it constitutes a binding legal agreement between you and us. By Installing our app and using our Service, you expressly consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy for processing and sharing your personal information as further outlined below.

Personal information we process

We process personal information you provide us freely and knowingly. We process content, communications and other information you provide when you use our Service, including when you sign up for an account, create or share content and message or communicate with others.


You are not legally required to provide such personal information to us.

Account information. To access our Service and create a user account, we will ask you to provide your full name, email address, password, phone number, gender, age or birthday, areas of interest, and profile photo.

We also enable you to connect to our Service by authenticating through third-party platforms such as Facebook, Google, or Apple. In such a case, we will process your credentials for those third-party platforms.

Transaction information. To sell, trade an item or give it for free, we may process your name, contact information, item photo or a short video about your item and information about the item you wish to buy, sell, trade, or give. We will also collect your free-text notes if you choose to share those with us.

Newsletters and offers. If you wish to sign up to receive our newsletter with information about available items or our services, we will ask you to provide your email address.

Content. If you post content on our Service, it may contain, or be indicative of, your personal information. Such content is not considered private or confidential within the group you shared it, and you cannot have an expectation of privacy concerning it. The content you upload may have to do with the privacy of others. You must lawfully obtain the individuals' consent (and the consent of the parents or legal guardians of all minors) before you upload content with their personal information.

You may choose to share content through the Service on third-party platforms, such as Facebook. The content you share with those social networks is governed by their respective terms of use and privacy policy, not this Policy.

Inquiries. You can send us your inquiries through any of our contact methods. We may ask you to provide information such as your name, email address, the topic of your inquiry, and the text of your message.

You do not have a legal obligation to provide any of the above information to us. However, you will not be able to access, use our Service, submit inquiries, or sign up for our newsletter, without providing the requested information.

We process information about your engagement with users or groups and their interaction with you.

Groups and connections. We process information about the people and groups you are connected to, how you interact with them across our Service, and users you engage with the most or groups you are part of.

We also collect information about things others do and information they provide about you. We also receive and analyze content, communications and information that other people provide when they use our Service. This can include information about you, such as when others share or comment on your post, send a message to you or import your contact information.

We process information about your contacts.

If you give us permission, we will process your information about your contacts such as phone number only, including those of users of our Services and your other contacts. This enables us to sync data in a way that is compliant, ethical, and trusted. You are responsible for obtaining your contact's permission when you choose to provide their contact information to us. If any of your contacts aren't yet using our Service, we'll manage this information for you in a way that ensures we cannot identify those non-user contacts. And sync this contact with our database to perform check and find contacts who aren't yet using our services. You can control the contact upload feature from your device settings.

We obtain information from third parties.

We may obtain information from third parties to enhance or supplement the information we collected from you. We may also collect information about you that is publicly available. We may combine this information with the information we collect from you directly. For example, we may obtain information when you log in through a third-party social network or authentication service, such as Facebook or Google, or demographic information from Google Analytics when you directly interact with our Services.

We may make social networks or other services available on the Service. If you connect a social network, such as Facebook, to our Services we may collect personal information from the social network in accordance with your privacy settings on that social network. These services will authenticate your identity and provide you the option to share certain personal information with us, which could include your name, email address, address book, and contacts, or other information.

Similarly, when you interact with us through a social media site or third-party service, such as when you like, follow, or share our content on Facebook, or other sites, we may receive information from the social network, including your profile information, user ID associated with your social media account, picture and any other information you permit the social network to share with third parties.

The data we receive is dependent on your privacy settings with the social network. You should always review and, if necessary, adjust your privacy settings on social network websites before linking or connecting them to our Services.

We process your usage information and analytics information about your use of the Service.

When you use our Service, we may collect specific information about your visit and use of the Service, such as the types of content that you view or engage with, the features you use, the actions you take, the people or groups you interact with and the time, frequency and duration of your activities.

Analytical information we collect includes your IP address, the general location corresponding to your IP address, time and date of access, type of browser used, language used, links clicked, and the web pages you accessed. Our Service is using GPS technology to determine your location when using our app and even when you are not using the app.

We collect information about how you use our Service. For example, we log when you're using and have last used our Service, and what posts and other content you view on our Service. We also collect information about how you use features such as our camera.

We process information about your device and about your precise location using your device settings or through photos.

We collect information about your device. Such as its model, operating system type and version, unique device identifiers, including MAC address (a unique identifier assigned to your device’s WiFi component), the UDID (or “Open UDID” in iPhones), browser type and language, mobile network information and the Internet Protocol (IP) address through which you accessed the Service.

We also process information you allow us to receive through device settings that you turn on, such as access to your GPS location, camera or photos. If you no longer wish us to collect and use geolocation information, you can disable it on your device. If you disable geolocation, some of the features of Services will not be available to you.


How and why, we use your personal information

We use the information that we have about you as described below, and to provide and support our Service as described in our Terms. Here's how:

To recommend you items

We will process the information you provide us, or information we automatically collect about your preferences to present items and categories of items that are more likely to suit your interest and to identify your preferences and personalize your experience with our Service.

To authenticate your identity.

If you log in through a third-party service such as Google, Facebook or Apple we use your information to authenticate your identity, allow you to access and use certain features of the Service.

To provide you with our newsletter and direct marketing.

If you registered with our Service, we would process your email address to send you our periodic marketing newsletter. We may also send you marketing materials by email, text, push notification or phone call depending on your account or operating system settings. Each time we send you marketing materials, we give you the option to unsubscribe.

We will allow you to refuse or opt-out of our newsletter or marketing materials at any time by sending an email to As long as you have not opted-out, we will possibly send you these promotional communications.

To fulfill your request to buy, sell, trade or give an item and reporting and business planning.

On behalf of buyers and sellers on our Service, If you buy, sell, trade or give an item, we will process your information to fulfill your request, charge you for the purchase price and fees, keep you informed about the status of the posted item, and ship the item you asked for to the shipping address you specify. We may process your information for accounting and financial record-keeping purposes. We may also process your information to adapt the Service and its content to users' preferences, to better understand the market demand in which we operate and for reporting and business planning purposes.

To respond to your inquiry, question or request.

If you submit an inquiry to us, we will use the information you provide in your request or question to process, handle, and contact you about the inquiry as well as to send you promotional communications.

You may ‘opt-out’ of using your inquiry information for promotional communications at any time by sending an email to:

To help other people engage with you on the Service.

We process your personal information and your contacts information to help other people and contacts find you on the Service. We also enable people to search for your account on our Service using your data. For example, if you sign up using a Facebook account, we can help your Facebook friends find you on our Service when they first sign up for Service.

We use Location-related information to provide you services related to your location.

We use location-related information such as your current location and the businesses and people you're near to provide search results and proactively present recommendations as appropriate to your place, to personalize our Service, and improve our Service, including ads, for you and others.        

We use analytics information to improve and enhance the Website, and for our business administration.

We use analytics information to improve the Service and our email communications. We also use the analytics information to adapt the Service and its content to users' preferences. Finally, we will use the analytics information to understand the market in which we operate and for reporting and business planning purposes.

How and when we share personal information

We share your information with our service providers to help us operate our Service and to fulfill your transaction.

We will share your personal information with our service providers (such as Google, Facebook, Apple, Twilio, MailGun, Google Analytics, Firebase, One Signal), who assist us in performing certain business-related functions. These include payment processing, mailing information, maintaining databases, hosting services, internal website operations fulfillment, and shipping of your order. These companies are authorized to use your information only as necessary to provide their specific relevant services to us and not for their purposes.

We will share information about you and the content you upload with other users of the Service.

Content that you choose to share with others may be viewable by other users of the Service, social network users, and internet users in general, along with your name, username, and additional personal information outlined above. Also, people on the Service can see status signs telling them whether you are active or present.

Please note: Public information can be seen by anyone, on or off the Service. It may include your Service username, any information you share with a public audience, the information in your public profile on the Service, and content you share on any other public space. Public information can be seen, accessed, reshared, or downloaded through third-party services such as search engines, APIs, apps, websites, and other services that integrate with our Service.

Content that others share about you.

You should consider who you choose to share with, because people who can see your activity on our Service can choose to share it with others on and off our Service, including people outside the audience that you shared with. For example, when you share a post or send a message to a specific person, they can download, screenshot, or reshare that content to others across or off our Service. Also, when you comment on someone else's post or react to their content, your comment or reaction is visible to anyone who can see the other person's content, and that person can change the audience later.

People may also use our Service to create and share content about you with the audience they choose. For example, people can share a photo of your item, mention you in a post, or share information about you in their messages. If you are uncomfortable with what others have shared about you on our Service, please contact us at

We share information about you with ad providers

We may share information about you with third party ad service providers to serve you with targeted ads. We will provide such ads to you in various methods, including banners, interstitials, and specific formats available on your Device.

We will share your information with competent authorities or other parties if you violated the law or abused our agreement.

We will share your personal information if you have violated this Privacy Policy, the Terms, or any other agreement you have with us, abused the Service, or violated any applicable law. Your information will be shared with competent authorities and with third parties such as legal counsels and advisors to handle the violation or breach.

We will share your information if we are legally required.

We will share your personal information if we are required to disclose it by a judicial, governmental, or regulatory authority.

We will share your information with a third-party in the event of a change in our structure.

We will share your information to enable structural change if we reorganize our business, merge, consolidate or resolve to operate in any different framework or legal structure or entity, for example, due to a merger or acquisition.

We will share your information in case of an emergency concerning you.

We will share your information if we need to act immediately to protect the personal safety of our customers or the public.


We may allow you to access other platforms through our Service.

Our Service may contain links to third-party platforms such as payment and shipping Services. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of these third parties. If you have any questions about how they use your information, you should review their policies and contact them directly.

Anonymized data.

At any time, we may anonymize (de-identify) personal information we have collected. We may use the de-identified information in any way, including by selling, or making it available, to any other third party.


How we transfer personal information internationally

We may transfer your information internationally.

We will transfer information internationally in accordance with applicable data protection laws. We may store and process information in the EU and in other countries such as the United States. We may also process information using cloud services. The laws in those other countries may provide a lower degree of data protection than the laws of your own country. You agree to the transfer of your information to such other countries for the purpose of processing as described in this Policy, including through cloud services.

Automatic data collection tools

What are automatic data collection tools?

When you use a mobile application or other internet service, certain internet and electronic network activity information gets created and logged automatically. This is also true when you use our Service. Here are some of the types of information we collect:

Log data. When you use our Service, we may record information, including information that your mobile app automatically sends when you’re using it. This log data includes your Internet Protocol address (which we may use to infer your approximate location), how you used our Service, cookie data and device data.

We may use various other tracking techniques such as Local Storage, Web Beacons and Web Pixels for purposes similar to Cookies. Cookies are text files that include a small amount of data we store on your computer, tablet, or smartphone when you use the internet and visit our Service. It allows us or a third party to recognize you. We may use both Session Cookies and Persistent cookies as described below.

Session cookies data is read by a website you visit, during the session of your visit. Session cookies expire when you close your browser. Persistent cookies data is read by a website you visit when you return to revisit it. A persistent cookie remains on your computer until it expires, or you delete your cookies.

We may allow third-party advertising companies to use cookies on our Service to optimize our advertisements and marketing and to serve ads specific to your interests on other websites. Those may use retargeting and behavioral advertising technologies to tailor those advertisements to your perceived interests.

We are not responsible for the privacy practices of other third-party platforms.

Our Service may contain links to social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter and Google. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other platforms. We encourage you to read the privacy statements of each platform you chose to engage with.

We implement technical and organizational measures to secure your personal information.

We implement safeguards to reduce the risks of damage, loss of information, and unauthorized access or use of information we collect and maintain. However, these measures do not guarantee absolute information security. Therefore, although we take reasonable precautions and make an appropriate effort to secure your information, you cannot expect that the Service will be immune to information security risks.

Data Retention

We will retain your personal information for as long as we need it to operate the Service and interact with users, and after that, as required for record-keeping matters.

We keep your personal information for the duration of our business relationship with you, interacting with you as a user of our Service, to the extent permitted by applicable laws. We may keep your information for as long as necessary to administer our business, our bookkeeping requirements, resolve disputes, establish and defend legal claims, and enforce our agreements.

Your Rights

You have certain rights subject to possible restrictions under the law to access, obtain a copy, or update information about you.

You have a right to review the information held on you in a database and a right to request correcting or deleting the data if you found that the information we hold about you is incorrect, incomplete, not clear, or not up to date. If we use the information to directly contact you based on affiliation to a group by specific attribute, you can request that we delete that information from the database. Please note that uninstalling the app from your device may not delete your personal information from our systems.


Our Service is intended for 14 years of age and older.

We designed our Service to serve people above the age of 14. We do not knowingly collect information about a child below 14 years of age without parental consent, nor sensitive information from minors under 18. If we become aware that we collected sensitive information from a minor below the age of 18 or personal data from a child under 14 years of age, we will do our best to delete it.

How we make changes to this policy

We may change this policy from time to time, and if we do, we’ll post any changes on this page.

We may change this policy from time to time, and if we do, we’ll post any changes on this page. If you continue to use our Service after those changes are in effect, you agree to the new policy. If the changes are significant, we may provide a more prominent notice or get your consent, as required by law.

Contact us

You can contact us at

If you have any questions, complaints, or suggestions, the best way to get in touch with us or to exercise your options described above is to write to us .We will do our best to resolve your issue promptly.

Last Updated: December 30, 2021